

Web3 for 


We are a team of seasoned Web3 buidlers with a strong focus on building data solutions around the blockchain space. We offer our services to dApps, protocols and retail users needing a data solution, contact us to learn more.

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Gamcap Labs is continuously ingesting new data from on/off-chain data sources, blockchains and social media. This raw data is then curated by its state-of-art smart contract decoders and data processing models specifically developed by the GCL team, vetting all the information and ensuring accuracy across the board.


NFTBull is an on-chain trading platform providing real-time indexed data and trading functionalities tailored specifically for the NFT market.

Uniswap Easy

UniswapEasy is a React widget designed to simplify liquidity management on the Uniswap V4 protocol. UniswapEasy was developed with the support from Uniswap Foundation.


Atlas is a specialized Merkle tree analytics tool for Worldcoin's Privacy-Preserving Proof-of-Personhood Protocol (PPPoPP) to enhance identity verification observability. UniswapEasy was developed with the support from Worldcoin Foundation.

Polya AI

Polya is an AI-assisted user-friendly crypto terminal for data analytics, on-chain transactions, and toolings to better understand Web3. Polya empowers everyone with intuitive language model technology, translating user commands into data analytics and smart contract interactions.

Merkle Tree VisualizationDashboard Bar ChartDashboard Calendar Heatmap

Mission & Vision

Crypto is at a crossroads.

The world seems to have changed drastically since Satoshi intended to create a pure peer-to-peer version of electronic cash to allow online payments. What was once a strong fight to maintain the freedom to transact, is now transforming financial institutions, games, art, and many more fields.

Even though we witness increasing mainstream adoption of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies, the sheer complexity of products and limited efforts to make it understandable appals many people. Meaning most people are missing the opportunity to take part just because they do not know what an ABI is or how to use SQL. We reject the notion that complexity should be a barrier to entry in the world of Web3 and crypto. We are determined to bring the power of decentralisation to the masses and give them control over digital assets.

Our mission is to collect and curate all objective data; detect every known smart contract, token, wallet, and NFT; and make it accessible, transparent, and understandable. We strive to be the ultimate destination for objective data and toolings for every Web3 user and institution.


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